Contact Person : Adin Sayekti +62 ... [selengkapnya]
ASSM & NASCO meeting, Tokyo 12 - 13 April 2023. KPI delegates, duduk dari kanan, no. 5 Mathius Tambing & no. 6: Harry ... [selengkapnya]
Kesatuan Pelaut Indonesia (KPI) yang di wakili oleh Genta Sumarlan - Head of Fisheries Section, menghadiri Acara Internship Combating Trafficking in Persons Program Internship ini di Sponsori US Department of State dan di selenggarakan oleh Civilian Research Development foundation (CRDF),5 oktober - 5 ... [selengkapnya]
Seafood is a highly-sought after and nutritious meal for millions of people across the world - and an essential food protein in many developing countries. The total number of fishing vessels in the world is estimated at around 4.6 million. Most of these are small vessels. Some 64,000 fishing vessels ... [selengkapnya]
The ITF is delighted to announce that Katie Higginbottom is the new head of the ITF Seafarers Trust. Katie has had a longstanding role as projects and campaigns leader in the ITF maritime section, giving her unrivalled knowledge of the industry and the challenges faced by ... [selengkapnya]
For the first time ever, a standard setting committee at the International Labour Conference (ILC) debated the form and scope of an international law on violence and harassment in the world of work. The ITF had a delegation at the ILC that included women from Kenya, Peru and Canada, and was led by ... [selengkapnya]
"Empowering Women in the Maritime Community" has been selected as the World Maritime Day theme for 2019. This will provide an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of gender equality, in line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and to highlight the important ... [selengkapnya]
Program Poros Maritim Dunia dan Tol Laut yang dicanangkan Presiden Joko Widodo untuk mengembangkan industri pelayaran nasional yang merupakan kelanjutan kebijakan “Cabotage” belum banyak menyentuh kepentingan pelaut, baik kesejahteraan maupun perlindungannya saat bekerja di ... [selengkapnya]
KPI : Pemerintah Agar Segera Bebaskan 4 ABK WNI di Somalia. Kesatuan Pelaut Indonesia (KPI) mendesak Presiden Joko Widodo untuk segera membebaskan 4 ABK (anak buah kapal) Warga Negara Indonesia yang disandera komplotan perompak di Somalia, Afrika Timur. Perompakan terhadap kapal ikan Naham 3 yang diawaki 29 orang ... [selengkapnya]
Posisi Pertamina Perlu Dikembalikan, Perlu Dikaji Ulang Kontrak Investor Asing Dalam Eksplorasi, Eksploitasi Minerba dan Migas Pemerintah perlu mengkaji ulang semua kontrak karya dengan investor asing dalam melakukan eksplorasi pertambangan minerba (mineral & batubara) dan migas di Indonesia. Selain ... [selengkapnya]